At the moment

In general this Blog, through July 2005, will concentrate on my work in the Pepperdine OMET program. Some days my entries will be focused and well written but I'm quite sure that there will be days when the entries will be pure stream of consciousness. It will be fascinating to watch the progression over the next year.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

VirtCamp Day One

What I wrote last night...

In many ways this feels like home. It feels like what I’ve prepared for nearly my entire life: PLATO as a kid, PASS, IPL MOO, NovaNET and notesfiles, live journal, what I do now at Misys, drama, dance, photography, I could go on. It’s as if I’ve been part of a huge community of practice for years and just didn’t have a label for it.

On the other hand, I wonder what this means in terms of a personal transformation?

I can’t see that this program would cause me to stop believing in the value of these things… so where will a transformation take me? What is the next level or layer? I think the thing that I need to watch out for is a sense that I somehow am already “there.” Maybe being “open to the process” is actually harder when you already think (assume) that you not only understand the process but use it as well. I need to figure out where this is supposed to take me, rather than how it validates where I think I already am.

The one thing I’m concerned about is that I don’t have a clear vision of where to go with the ARP… (ok… it should be about the process… but the process in what context)… And – why am I already so convinced that setting the ARP in the Misys Client Ed environment would be so likely to fail. Do I really have such a lack of confidence in my team members at work? Do I lack confidence in my ability to bring them into this in some way. Am I afraid that they will cause me to “fail?” Hmmmm… really do need to think about that. I may still decide to center the ARP in some context other than Misys but I should have a clear vision of why I want another context and not why I don’t want the Misys context.

I also really have to work on not trying to dominate each project or conversation – ok – that’s a life issue not just a graduate school issue.

And – I do hope there are sheets and a pillow waiting for me back in the apt.


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