At the moment

In general this Blog, through July 2005, will concentrate on my work in the Pepperdine OMET program. Some days my entries will be focused and well written but I'm quite sure that there will be days when the entries will be pure stream of consciousness. It will be fascinating to watch the progression over the next year.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Meandering thoughts about this weekend.

Well - this weekend turned out to be rather productive in general if not w/ specifics. I decided to take a couple of days off from studies - or more specifically from working at the computer. Friday night I spent two hours working w/ Jillina's Egyptian Pop Choreography because I've begun to feel a bit stuck in my own dance style and needed to remind myself of other ways to move (that's what I get for deciding to drop dance classes while I attend graduate school). I worked on it until I could barely stand up - I'd almost forgotten how good it feels to be completely exhausted form hard physical work. I went to Mary's Turbo-Step on Saturday morning even though I knew I'd be dancing that night at the Aladdin. It was worth it - another excellent physical workout. I'm glad I'm finally an accomplished enough stepper (and back in good enough shape) to take Mary's class - she is amazing.

Initially, I'd planned to finish my initial draft work on my ARP Research Plan on Saturday afternoon - but I decided to take one more day off from studies that involved working at the computer. My right arm and elbow have been bothering me quite a bit lately and I suspect that working on a keyboard and w/ a mouse (trackball, etc) for 8 hrs a day at work, another couple of hours most nights, and several hours on Sat. and Sun is taking it's toll. Initially, the pain was in my right forearm (I think I may have hurt that muscle carrying something when I moved to my new house)- lately (since wearing the elbow/forearm brace at work and when online at home) the pain has localized more in the elbow joint itself - or where the tendon connects to the elbow. The pain feels suspiciously like what my left shoulder felt like w/ the calcific tendonitis... so I need to try to give the arm a rest when I can (I don't want to face another surgery). In wonder if some people are more prone to developing calcium deposits on their tendons than others? I wonder if perhaps I should cut down my calcium intake (I stopped taking supplements when I developed the deposits in my shoulder... so to cut it down more I'd have to stop eating cheese and having milk in my coffee/cereal/etc... don't know if I could do that). Ah well - such is life.

So - I took it easy yesterday, did a bit of reading, watched some t.v., did my nails w/ jewels and everything, took my time getting all sparkly and ready to dance, even wore my Orange/Purple costume w/ a black skirt and vest (in honor of Halloween), and still ended up doing only one show. The restaurant was crowded when I got there (nearly full) and everyone stayed for the first show, then cleared out. Not enough new tables showed up after that, so no second show. I do hope business picks up soon. It is such a good restaurant, and the owner, kitchen staff, and waitestaff are all such nice people - I'd hate to see the business close. I hung out for a while, just talking w/ the staff and a few favorite customers. I love being there as much for that as for the performance - it keeps me sane and grounded to know and spend time with diverse groups of people. I remember what it was like to work in the "service" industry (and in retail for that matter) - I don't ever want to forget it either. Gave one of the gals a ride home and we talked about the fact that people who work (or have worked) for tips (waitestaff, bartenders, etc) seem to consistently tip the best. Sad but true, those who can least afford it are those who most understand the significance. I know the information is out there about fact that waitestaff only make $2 or $3 an hour and truly depend on their tips the way some of us depend on our salaries, but maybe it takes working for tips to really understand the implication. Or - maybe it is just the people that come to the places where I've worked or where I know people who work.

Taking Friday and Saturday off meant that I had to finish up my draft for my research plan today. Did that, finished it before the first little goblin (or ... actually Harry Potter) arrived at my door. (blogged about that in my ARP blog... so don't need to repeat that here). Managed to do the domestic stuff too (house cleaning, laundry, etc) and make an appearance at my neighbor's Halloween BBQ. Then, while hanging out by the door awaiting all those sweet little children asking for candy, I hung my Flam Chen photos on the West Dining room wall. Yeah - ok... probably drilling a dozen holes in the wall was not the best thing I could do for my elbow... but I've grown so tired of looking a stacks of nicely framed photos on the table. It was time to display them in a more appropriate manner.

Of course - throughout the entire weekend, I've been thinking (sometimes on the verge of subconsciously) about the latest reading for Gary's class - "Epistemological Pluralism and the Revaluation of the Concrete" - no that is a mouthful. I need/should blog about it before I post in Bb. I keep waiting for someone else to post first - thinking that I need to give my cadre-mates a chance rather than always jumping in to state my opinion/observations/etc first. But - I find myself champions at the proverbial bit on this one... working on the MicroWorlds patches and quilts has provided me w/ a tangible/concrete way to evaluate some of the theory expressed in the article and I want to discuss it with others, find out if they have similar (or different) interpretations.

Ok... enough typing. Time for some heat, some ibuprofen, maybe some tea.... wonder if there is any chocolate left?


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