At the moment

In general this Blog, through July 2005, will concentrate on my work in the Pepperdine OMET program. Some days my entries will be focused and well written but I'm quite sure that there will be days when the entries will be pure stream of consciousness. It will be fascinating to watch the progression over the next year.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004


Funny thing about cliché’s is that they are often true (hence the cliché I suppose).

Today's cliché = "Hindsight is always 20-20."

So - earlier this evening I sent an inquiry to our cadre Madre regarding the topic I would like to cover with my timeline. I just wanted to be sure the topic was appropriate for the context and that no one else in our cadre already had dibs on it.

Later this evening I was reviewing the first reading for the course on Distributed Learning.

Big AH HA moment... or maybe more like a DUH moment since it wasn't the first time I've read about distributed learning or learning communities. Be that as it may, the belated light bulb did ignite and I realized that rather than "asking the teacher," I should be talking to my fellow cadre members about my timeline topic and their timeline topics. Perhaps there is someone else in our little community who is interested in the same area I am or an area related in some useful way. There could be an excellent opportunity for collaboration here and instead of recognizing that, I asked the perceived authority for permission. It's odd - I know what it is we are studying and I am a fan and proponent of it, but when it comes to personal practice/habit I revert to a more traditional type of educational interaction. So - tomorrow I believe I shall post a Time Line message to our yahoo group. It will be interesting to see what kind of response I receive. Hard fun most likely.

As to the timeline - the physical presence of it that is - I have this idea in my head of how to create in Flash (it would be a very simple Flash timeline)... get it.. use a timeline to illustrate a timeline? Now I just have to get the idea out of my head and into a flash file... I think I'll ask L to help me with that one... he loves to show people how to accomplish things in flash... it's really fun to watch how excited he gets about what a program or tool can do. His enthusiasm is so pure and joyful. Hopefully someone else will want to collaborate on this, then I can show them how to create the animation. It would also make a good web gift… but I already have something else in mind for that project.

In house news – looked at three more properties today. One was a definite “no” on all accounts, one was intriguing but it gave me a really weird (and not good weird) feeling while I was walking around it (as if something really bad had happened there or could happen there), the last one was absolutely beautiful but much to far south and a bit too far east for my lifestyle (I would spend even more time driving than I do now) and it was in the direct flight/landing path of DM Air Force base – so definitely not a good pick. Too bad though… it was such a nice house as well as a nice old style neighborhood (good mix of people living there, most of the houses built in the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s). What amazes me is how large an area of the city is considered “Central.” Perhaps I should ask the realtor if we can refine the search to “Central-Central,” “West=Central,” and “North-Central.” Oh well, I’m sure that I’ll find the right place eventually.

Time for some chocolate I think.


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