At the moment

In general this Blog, through July 2005, will concentrate on my work in the Pepperdine OMET program. Some days my entries will be focused and well written but I'm quite sure that there will be days when the entries will be pure stream of consciousness. It will be fascinating to watch the progression over the next year.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Keeping in practice

Not a whole lot to say (write) tonight, but I feel the need to keep up the habit of writing in here. It is 10pm and I should be eating dinner and/or preparing for bed. Heh. Good class in TI tonight. I think we all feel a bit more on track with or ARPs (I wonder why it isn't called PAR for this course?). I need to make an effort to respond more on BB. I read everything and think of short and/or individual responses but save them for a longer post and then keep adding thoughts and not actually posting. Definitely need to find a balance between responding to every note/thread and waiting too long to respond to anything.

I started reading Smart Mobs yesterday. I loved the ideas in Edutopia, but I think, for where I am professionally and personally at this moment in time, Smart Mobs is more "my kind of book." It is interesting that someone just today posted a note w/ warnings about Group Think as I've been interested in the positive attributes of a collective consciousness for some time. The post was kind of a wake-up call for me. Hopefully tomorrow I will find time to consolidate my various thoughts and post a few responses in BB.

On to more personal stuff: Found a beautiful house today. 1955 construction, nice larger corner lot, quiet and well-established neighborhood w/ lots of well loved and cared for houses, big trees, etc. Excellent location (.6 miles from work, probably less than 5 miles from the rest of the family). Most of the inside is original 1950's (kitchen, bathrooms, built-ins, beamed ceilings, etc). Many people would look at this place as an opportunity for remodeling, but I would so love it just the way it is (well... after I remove the carpet)... I made an offer on it.... will know tomorrow if it is accepted.... sure hope it is.

It is funny thing - it is almost as if my life reached a tipping point this year. I've always been "flexible" - changing things as needed, moving on/forward to new adventures, but I've also been somewhat careful in not trying to change too many things at the same time. Suddenly this year, I've found myself at some kind of nexus in my life. I'm making a huge commitment to change with the graduate program I've entered - simply going back to school but also because of the nature of the program I chose (and that chose me). I'm potentially making another huge commitment to change purchasing a house (I say potentially because it still hasn't happened yet and lately it has felt like it may not because the market is so crazy). My job is still new enough (not quite 2 years yet) that it feels like a change too. When I look at all these changes objectively, I think that I should feel overwhelmed or maybe even fearful, but I'm not. That is the amazing thing. I am so energized, so content and at ease with each of these decisions and the path they are taking me down, and so much more excited than I have been about anything in years. I know that by this time next year I will be a totally different person (yet still fundamentally me)... I'm excited to meet that person, I keep looking for her around every corner and in every mirror. One thing about her - she is more proactive than I am (and I thought I already was proactive). I've already noticed at work and home that I spend a little less time considering every angle and option and a little more time acting. For me this is a good thing as I tend to contemplate for too long sometimes. I think being accepted into Pepperdine as given me a new confidence in what I do, both professionally and personally. I'm modeling more like a leader and less like a follower at work. Some of that is because I've been there long enough to feel comfortable with taking that initiative but some of it is also an new dimension to my personality - sort of an alignment between the inner self and the self I show the world. Wow... that actually echoes the Zen story I posted in my last Blog... weird... cool...but weird. hmmmm Now I just need to take that initiative in BB...heheheh.

Ok... for not planning to blog much tonight... this is a lot... what a surprise.

So, time to end this evening's post. I just finished the B5 series for the 3 or 4th time - depending on whether I count only consecutive viewings (first time on DVD though)... I still cry so much during season 5 that it is amazing I want to watch it again and again. Ok... and Now I'm looking for a suitable B5 quote to end tonight’s blog and I'm reading JMS comments regarding recording his commentary for Sleeping in the Light... and here I am all choked up again. wow.

Ah... found it... the significance may only make sense to me... but this is a personal journal...

"Babylon 5 was the last of the Babylon stations. There would never be another. It changed the future, and it changed us. It taught us that we had to create the future, or others will do it for us.

It showed us that we have to care for each other, because if we don't, who will?

And that strength sometimes comes from the most unlikely of places.

Mostly, though, I think it gave us hope that there can always be new beginnings, even for people like us.

As for Delenn, every morning for as long as she lived, Delenn got up before dawn and watched the sun come up..."

Ok... gotta go.


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