At the moment

In general this Blog, through July 2005, will concentrate on my work in the Pepperdine OMET program. Some days my entries will be focused and well written but I'm quite sure that there will be days when the entries will be pure stream of consciousness. It will be fascinating to watch the progression over the next year.

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Unconscious Competence

Working on the web gift today (and tonight), I’ve come to realize how difficult it must sometimes be for the SMEs I work with. My original thought was to simply create Mike a nice ‘little’ gallery page for the My Family page on his website. Something that uses the thumbnail roll-over (Image Thumbnail viewer II) from . I figured that I would create the page itself, then create a quick tutorial on how to make such a page and include a link to dynamicdrive (which has a great many nifty bits of html code – free to use). But – as I created the images for the page (pulled his into photoshop, resized them, added a border and caption) – I realized that there is more to the page than just the layout and the extra bit of html code. I then realized that I should not assume that my giftee knows how to resize an image, create a border, adjust images so that all are the same size, add a caption, etc. So now – I feel that I should probably add those things to the tutorial. The project grows and my understanding of what it really means to have unconscious competence grows as well. I always understood the concept intellectually, but now I understand it in a more visceral way and I have greater empathy for the SMEs who read the draft of a lesson and don’t realize that something is missing (until they actually look at the lesson in the delivery modality itself). I shall endeavor to be less critical when something comes back after multiple reviews w/ still more required modifications. I may not always succeed, but I will definitely try harder. I’ll remind myself what it is like to just know how to do something w/o really thinking about each little step involved.

It seems like such a "duh" concept, something that should be obvious to a teacher (instructional designer, etc), but I guess there are things we know that we still need to learn again and again. :) Makes life interesting.


Blogger Margaret said...


Glad this is working for you...yes these insights happen more than once...


12:33 PM  

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