Today, Life is Good!
"Remember today, little brother. Today, life is good."
Boromir - Lord of the Rings (movie) Two Towers, extended edition.
Yeah... Watching them again (don't ask how many this makes... Won't have time to read the books again until after Grad School is complete... So will make due w/ endless visits w/ my DVDs).
Life IS Good! This is a Good week... ok... this is a GREAT week.
I have signed the papers on my dream house. Things do work out if you just remember to breathe and wait for it. (Stop saying "I told you so, dad!"). ;)
It is such a beautiful house. 1950, red brick construction. 3 beds, 1 3/4 bath (the 3/4 bath is a Jack'n'Jill style and so is accessible from two different bedrooms), HUGE beautiful back yard w/ full block wall (very dog proof), lovely bright and large kitchen, polished concrete floors (one of my favorite kinds of floors), large living room/dining room and then an extra family room to boot (w/ a fireplace). The inside walls are painted a variety of rich primary colors (exactly what I would have done... so now I don't have to do it). The owners offered to re-paint but I told them I wouldn't have it any other way. They're even leaving the leftover paint cans w/ the color mixes - so if I need to touch anything up it won't be a problem. I'm so happy that I'm downright giddy. I had to warn my co-workers that I would probably be more hyper than usual (if that's possible) for the next several days... it's probably a very good thing that Monday is a holiday. I'll have to post a few pictures on my website at some point... probably make a special "Sukay's New House" page.
Other good things happened this week too. As of today we finally know what the new "Big Ed" structure is - our multiple small education departments are now finally on the road to becoming one... They split up some of the management responsibilities and I was a bit concerned (as were other members of our team) that we would all be split up in an un-desirable way. Well - it didn't happen... the majority of us all have the same manager as before (yipee!) and, for the few that will be reporting to someone new, the move makes sense (although it make take a couple some time to see that). I have renewed faith now that things really will be not just OK but possibly even better than before (once we get past the awkward growth stage). I talked briefly to our department head about my rough ideas for my ARP - it looks like she will be very supportive. I'm learning more and more Flash (MX) skills each day (L is becoming quite a good teacher... so proud of him) and I continue to endeavor to expand my involvement in other projects. All in all - perusing this graduate program has added new joy to my own attitude at work - what an excellent side effect.
Finally - (for now... cuz I'm getting hungry) - I had a break through in yoga (started on Friday and continued tonight)! It has been a while since I've had a real "Ah Ha" moment in yoga. Since returning after the shoulder surgery I felt like all I was doing was trying (w/o only limited success) to get back all that I perceived I had lost. I was prepared for my shoulder to be weak and still sore... but I wasn't so prepared for how much tone (and balance) I lost during the recuperation time away from regular practice. Last week (after recovering from the horrible cold) I finally began to feel like I had my old body back... my shoulder is still a bit cranky at times and not as strong... but the rest of my body is back to where it was. I've been trying to concentrate on strength over flexibility (since hyper-flexibility is what may have helped injure me in the first place). In so doing - I've also begun paying more focused attention to my lower body... well Friday I experienced a huge Ah Ha moment during Triangle pose (the Bikram triangle is kind of like a Right Triangle - where one leg is bent at the knee to form a right angle w/ the floor). I realized that I was not engaging the inner thigh muscles and that was seriously limiting my ability to keep my hips straight, especially when I add the upper body tilt and twist. It took me a while to figure out how to remedy it... but I finally visualized attempting an outward rotation of both my thigh bones... it worked.. the inner thigh muscles engaged, my hips straightened out and my triangle pose not only has better form but is much easier to enter and hold! Then, I discovered that the same slight outward rotation helps in both Standing Bow pose and Tree. Very nice. Yoga is so amazing because it continuously reminds me how connected everything is. One little thing in one part of your body can change everything - life is like that too. Yoga helps remind me of that.
Boromir - Lord of the Rings (movie) Two Towers, extended edition.
Yeah... Watching them again (don't ask how many this makes... Won't have time to read the books again until after Grad School is complete... So will make due w/ endless visits w/ my DVDs).
Life IS Good! This is a Good week... ok... this is a GREAT week.
I have signed the papers on my dream house. Things do work out if you just remember to breathe and wait for it. (Stop saying "I told you so, dad!"). ;)
It is such a beautiful house. 1950, red brick construction. 3 beds, 1 3/4 bath (the 3/4 bath is a Jack'n'Jill style and so is accessible from two different bedrooms), HUGE beautiful back yard w/ full block wall (very dog proof), lovely bright and large kitchen, polished concrete floors (one of my favorite kinds of floors), large living room/dining room and then an extra family room to boot (w/ a fireplace). The inside walls are painted a variety of rich primary colors (exactly what I would have done... so now I don't have to do it). The owners offered to re-paint but I told them I wouldn't have it any other way. They're even leaving the leftover paint cans w/ the color mixes - so if I need to touch anything up it won't be a problem. I'm so happy that I'm downright giddy. I had to warn my co-workers that I would probably be more hyper than usual (if that's possible) for the next several days... it's probably a very good thing that Monday is a holiday. I'll have to post a few pictures on my website at some point... probably make a special "Sukay's New House" page.
Other good things happened this week too. As of today we finally know what the new "Big Ed" structure is - our multiple small education departments are now finally on the road to becoming one... They split up some of the management responsibilities and I was a bit concerned (as were other members of our team) that we would all be split up in an un-desirable way. Well - it didn't happen... the majority of us all have the same manager as before (yipee!) and, for the few that will be reporting to someone new, the move makes sense (although it make take a couple some time to see that). I have renewed faith now that things really will be not just OK but possibly even better than before (once we get past the awkward growth stage). I talked briefly to our department head about my rough ideas for my ARP - it looks like she will be very supportive. I'm learning more and more Flash (MX) skills each day (L is becoming quite a good teacher... so proud of him) and I continue to endeavor to expand my involvement in other projects. All in all - perusing this graduate program has added new joy to my own attitude at work - what an excellent side effect.
Finally - (for now... cuz I'm getting hungry) - I had a break through in yoga (started on Friday and continued tonight)! It has been a while since I've had a real "Ah Ha" moment in yoga. Since returning after the shoulder surgery I felt like all I was doing was trying (w/o only limited success) to get back all that I perceived I had lost. I was prepared for my shoulder to be weak and still sore... but I wasn't so prepared for how much tone (and balance) I lost during the recuperation time away from regular practice. Last week (after recovering from the horrible cold) I finally began to feel like I had my old body back... my shoulder is still a bit cranky at times and not as strong... but the rest of my body is back to where it was. I've been trying to concentrate on strength over flexibility (since hyper-flexibility is what may have helped injure me in the first place). In so doing - I've also begun paying more focused attention to my lower body... well Friday I experienced a huge Ah Ha moment during Triangle pose (the Bikram triangle is kind of like a Right Triangle - where one leg is bent at the knee to form a right angle w/ the floor). I realized that I was not engaging the inner thigh muscles and that was seriously limiting my ability to keep my hips straight, especially when I add the upper body tilt and twist. It took me a while to figure out how to remedy it... but I finally visualized attempting an outward rotation of both my thigh bones... it worked.. the inner thigh muscles engaged, my hips straightened out and my triangle pose not only has better form but is much easier to enter and hold! Then, I discovered that the same slight outward rotation helps in both Standing Bow pose and Tree. Very nice. Yoga is so amazing because it continuously reminds me how connected everything is. One little thing in one part of your body can change everything - life is like that too. Yoga helps remind me of that.
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