At the moment

In general this Blog, through July 2005, will concentrate on my work in the Pepperdine OMET program. Some days my entries will be focused and well written but I'm quite sure that there will be days when the entries will be pure stream of consciousness. It will be fascinating to watch the progression over the next year.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Very short, really

Not much to say tonight. This weekend has been quite a trial. I caught what turned out to be quite the tough-guy of a cold and yet was not able to give it the respect it deserved. Too much to do, web-gift to finish (which I did and I'm quite happy with it), show to do on Saturday night (at least it was only one show), ARP pages to read (Ethics), ARP journal entry to do (I'm thinking that one may not get done until tomorrow).... and then all the regular daily work. I guess I broke my own rule, when sick - be sick - don't work. Ah well... The funny thing is that I generally consider sick time to be reflection time - when the body is worn down the brain gets to explore. But - right now I'm too tired to do anything, even reflect... plus I think the coughing is shaking up my brain too much. :)


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